Christmas has officially ended…


…well it has in our house anyway.

Hubbie and I have spent the day taking down the decs, packing them up and putting them back up in the loft. I find it is a bit like packing when you come back from a holiday, there always seems more stuff than space! Anyway it is a job well done. Just need to give everywhere a good clean tomorrow and we will be ship shape again and ready for my #liveLagom year.

I am quite excited to get started and can’t wait to pick up all my selections from Ikea. I keep looking at my list and planning out where everything is going to go. I do think I will be having an early spring clean and taking some of my old saucepans off to the charity shop. I have never had ‘posh’ saucepans before, always cheap and cheerful that last me a year or two and then I have to replace them. These new ones are guaranteed for 25 years…lovely.

So what am I hoping to achieve this year whilst #liveLagom? Good question…lots of changes!

I hate waste of any sorts but my main areas I will be concentrating on are food waste, energy waste (gas/ electric and water), saving money as well as up-cycling or as the Americans say re-purposing where-ever possible.

Talking of up cycling, I have been busy cutting up this years Christmas cards to make into gift tags for next year. I saved the ribbons from the crackers and presents to add to the gift tags once I have punched a hole through them. My challenge now is to remember where I put them in 11 months time!

Right off to make a Rooibos tea…enjoy your evening 🙂




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